On top of current activities I feel a responsibility to update my blog for all those who actually read it (thanks Karen!). This may or may not be a good time to pull out a famed Top Ten List which my friends and I are so fond of creating. Bored on a road trip? Top Ten List! Wedding speech? Top Ten List (although that one didn't work out quite so well as all of the McDonald's Canadian relatives thought I was a lesbian. True story!)! Just about any major life event? Top Ten List! What's to stop me from creating a Top Ten List in order to keep my readers (Karen) happy? Not one thing. So, without further ado...
Top Ten Things I'm Currently Doing (it's a working title)
10. Reading the last book of C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy. I
love it! The dialogue is fantastic. In fact, I wish I were reading it right now.
9. Picking grass out of my hair. Today at work the kids decided to shower me with grass and clover; it was fun for them and me. Today was a perfect day to sit in the grass and just...be.
8. Eating delicious leftover cheesy green beans. Sounds gross, right? I know, I thought the same thing until Joanna made them for me and Nicole for Saturday Night Dinner. Mm, delish!
7. Missing my co-worker, Betsy. She
had to go back home to Maine for the summer. Stupid Maine! Now there's no one to keep me relatively sane during the early morning hours or to listen to all of my outrageous stories.
6. Thinking about how I need to get my tires aligned. This is actually important. Today I thought I might be shaken to death as I drove from the CEF office to school.
5. Reading Isaiah. Is it okay to skip all the woes of the upcoming Babylon captivity in chapters 1-36 and just go straight to the good parts of 37-66? I'm thinking about it.
4. Praying for changed hearts. I want the infinite worth of Jesus to be valued in people around me. I want them to really, really love Jesus. Not church Jesus, gospel Jesus.
3. Praying that
my life would reflect the infinite worth of Jesus. It's like God is saying "you really want them to value Me above everything else? Is that what you really want? Okay, you first." This comes with a variety of things I don't want and the withholding of a variety of things I do.
2. Digging my summer job with CEF. Today was the first official day and it went surprisingly smoothly. Tomorrow I get to clean up the big mess I made today in the storage closet. I am not a little bit excited. I love summer ministry!
1. Looking forward to bedtime. The month of May will be full of twelve hour days between my regular job and my summer job with CEF. If I can only hold out until May 27th then I will have more than one or two minutes to string together. However,
I can't think of a better place than where I am now...Bonus: I am currently conducting research on Little Rock (you don't think I'd forget why this blog actually exists, do you?). I will update you on all of my findings presently. This morning a little girl in my program passed her official verdict on Little Rock based on family reunions held in that great city :
booooooring. I'm going to pretend she's just biased, and 9, which she is, so...she's probably right!