I leave for CYIA training tomorrow morning, and although I am a bit frantic as I finish up last minute details, I thought it was time for an update. A week ago I received a phone call from CEF World Headquarters informing me that there had been a change in initial plans and that, in my case, the process from support raising had been greatly accelerated. Of course the story is more detailed than that, but I haven't the time, and you probably don't have the inclination to read every agonizing detail.
I've been in contact with the state coordinator of Arkansas, and the target date now is September 1st. I'm a little freaked out and have asked the Lord to reveal the big support raising "plan" He has for me. I subscribe to the
George Muller method of raising support, which, more or less, is to make the opportunity known, and wait on the Lord to move the hearts of the people to give. I believe this is biblical, and God's will for me (which is not to say that other methods are not also biblical and that God may lead other people to other methods).
In the past few years God has allowed me to try this out, and to see His faithfulness displayed over and over again. It takes a lot of patience though. Oh, I believe God will supply, there is no question in my mind on that point, but the "when" drives me absolutely nuts (why, oh why, did I ever read George Muller's autobiography?! Ignorance is indeed bliss). It's good for me, however, because it allows me to see that I am not God, that I am dependent on Him for everything, and that I can do without a
lot of things I really thought I needed. Basically, it exalts God's sovereignty and keeps me in my happy place.
Already I've seen this played out in regards to Little Rock. I've told people about the opportunity and have seen them step forward, with no solicitation on my part, and offer their support. This has greatly blessed me and seems to be confirmation that I'm headed in the right direction. But, three months to raise something over $20,000? It is, no doubt, very possible with God, but is this what He will do? I'm not sure, but I have begun to pray towards this date, along with the people in charge of the Little Rock project, and would welcome you to do the same.
Even though at this point I don't know how much longer I'll be in St. Louis, I do know I can't renew another year-long lease at the townhouse, so I'm moving back to my mom's house for the summer. It is a great blessing, to be sure, but I'm a little sad (okay, actually a lot sad) that I can't stay in my cozy little townhouse with my fantastic roommates. Last night my brothers and Aaron came over and packed up all of my worldly possessions, shoved them into my mom's van, and drove them off to storage. I didn't cry then, but later on, when I was alone in my now desolate room, I let the tears flow. Frankly, I am tired of moving all over creation and I wonder what lesson God is possibly trying to teach me in all of this.
Well, this post is running on. Quick run-down of my life right now: moving, CYIA, little sister's wedding smack in the middle of the two weeks of training, support raising for Little Rock, summer ministry in St. Louis. I'm busy, but I'm happy; this is a great time in life.