Once upon a time, when Karen, Joanna, and Jeanne were in junior high they fancied themselves writers. This belief led them to compose a dreadfully silly, drama-soaked missive simply titled "Our Saga". One of the characters in the aforementioned story was a cow of purple persuasion, aptly named "The Purple Cow". He even had a theme song, which was actually just a Phil Keaggy song with the words "Purple Cow" inserted where "Love Divine" had once been. Sometimes the girls still sing it when they are in a silly mood, or when they are at a one-of-a-kind restaurant named "Purple Cow"!
Karen found "Purple Cow" in a travel guide. Of course, we knew we had to go. When we got there we found our own table and ordered, what else, Purple Cow milkshakes and malts, vanilla-flavored purple madness. This picture is simply entitled, "Purple Gluttony".
After we all drank A LOT of purple milkshake I threatened to "purple throw-up". Karen did not appreciate that, but Joanna, she of the iron-stomach (except where pickles are concerned), drank on. I have never been more proud of her.
After we had our fill of purple, we ventured outside. Karen insisted we pose in front of the "Purple Cow" sign. We tired out hardest, but we couldn't keep a straight face. Especially when a lady sitting on the patio of the restaurant gave us a look as if to say "what the heck is wrong with those girls? They should know better!" Indeed, we should.

Observe the way Joanna imitates the women. She started laughing and as we all know, once Joanna starts laughing, I do. Karen simply sighed (she was always the more mature one. Even her "Saga" entries were more refined, if such a thing could be possible), and muttered "typical". Well, yes, but I think that's why she loves us so much.
Finally we got it together.

I'm so glad Karen and Joanna came to visit me this weekend. I love them so much! Wouldn't you?
I totally love us! And your purple malt was delicious.