Monday, January 24, 2011

Full o' Blogs

May I tell you something? I like to read blogs more than I like to actually blog. I'd rather read the blog of some obscure regular person than hear about the comings and goings of "celebs". I maintain a blog roll on this blog, but I also have a few blogs not listed that I regularly visit. I thought that since I've once again neglected this blog, you should know about the blogs with which I neglect it.

Firstly, I visit weight loss blogs. Why? Because I love them and they encourage me (usually) in my own weight loss.

I visit Fat Bridesmaid daily because I'm pretty sure that if I wasn't me, I would be her. As I said, I love reading weight loss blogs and this is far and away my favorite.

Another favorite weight loss blog is The Token Fat Girl. She's such a sweetheart.

ANOTHER weight loss blog I visit is Questions for Dessert. But I honestly like her thankful picture blog more. I like blogs with pictures.

The above three blogs form a sort of weight loss trifecta and the authors of these blogs do a podcast together as well. I'm pretty sure none of them are Christians, but I do like to read about their struggles and sometimes pray for them. We all share the same human struggles, but we don't all share a Savior. I wish we did, and maybe one day we will.

I visit two types of blogs - weight loss blogs and theology blogs. Usually in that order. Justin Taylor's blog is my favorite theology blog and he usually links to other theology blogs so you get the best bang for your web-browsing buck.

Another favorite is Rebecca Writes. I like it because she is a woman (obviously) thinking and writing about theology, deep, deep theology. Also, she kind of reminds me of one of my mentors who is also Canadian. I think we can all agree that Canadians are delightful.

Lastly, I really like the blog Pray for Ian. I think I may have mentioned it before, and it is certainly on my blog roll. This blog has a tremendous back story and, I think, a tremendous future. I think it really displays, more than anything, the counter-cultural thinking and living we Christians should be doing.

There are a few others, but these are the main ones. So, do you have any blogs you regularly read (besides mine obviously)? Please, please share!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting the link for Pray for Ian. adding it to my list... their wedding video = awesome.

    check out: it's written by a mom of many kids, originally from florida but currently living on a kentucky farm with amish neighbors. her balance of sarcasm and godly insight is refreshing for the soul.
